Yerevan, August 3, 2016 – On July 25, close to the new academic year, the 100 students of Baghanis school, a border village in Armenia’s Tavush Region, received school consumables including rucksacks and various stationery items as gifts from the British-Armenian community. As in previous years, the packages were delivered to the students by the Hayastan All-Armenian Executive board employees and Anahid Kazarians, a trustee member of the Fund’s British affiliate.
Kazarians commented that the aim of this social assistance project is to bring a sense of moral support to the community. It’s an approach that has very much defined the mission of the Hayastan All-Armenian Fund’s British affiliate, which, in addition to providing major support for the construction of schools and medical centers in Armenia, continues to implement projects that help bring joy to schoolchildren throughout the homeland’s rural communities.
In the past 12 years, the Hayastan All-Armenian Fund’s British affiliate has donated packages of school consumables and stationery to a total of close to 2,400 students in Armenia’s Shirak, Lori, Tavush, Vayots Dzor, Syunik, and Aragatsotn regions.