The events in Armenia and Artsakh have left our global community devastated. Over the last 45days, our homeland has experienced a war unlike anything we have ever seen. The resulting accounts of genocide and ecocide have rocked our people to their core, resulting in the displacement of nearly 100,000 of our brothers and sisters. This is unprecedented.
During that same period, each and every donor to the Armenia Fund (there are nearly 250,000 of you and counting just in this time period) has contributed to us raising over $102 million in the United States to help Armenia and Artsakh. This too is unprecedented. Your support has been overwhelming with a great deal of funds raised in a very short period of time.
Armenians across the country responded to people in need and inspired us all. This is what we do.
At this time, the Armenia Fund is specifically focusing on areas where we can do the most good quickly. That includes:
- Supporting the families of the wounded and fallen soldiers;
- Providing housing and basic supplies for all people who have been displaced
- Supporting the education needs of children who are displaced through scholarships and direct aid
As our world continues to evolve, it is critically important to the future of our organization to have your continued trust and support. We thank you for entrusting us for over 35 years to serve the needs of our homeland.
We are committed to maintaining open channels of communication with our donor community, maintaining transparency and ensuring that every dollar raised is re-invested in our homeland wisely. Armenia and Artsakh cannot afford anything less than 100% of these funds helping now. We will keep you informed as our work on the ground continues.
Together we will rebuild and thrive. Thank you.